
Well, all the maneuvering and changes and uncertainty about dates have taken their toll. LWM and I are exhausted, but, finally, we have a confirmed date. I won't be changing this one. The surgery is Friday. So, I don't imagine I'll be posting much over the next few months. Thanks for your prayers. I'll write more as soon as I can.



I started The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon. The same guy that wrote the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay My sister would call them "weird" I prefer the term Post Modern. They are both set in a familiar setting, but with an twist. The Yiddish Policean's Union is set in an alternate reality where the Jews have no homeland and have been scattered across the globe. I'm only a chapter in, but it already has my attention.

I'd forgotten that reading could be fun! Not that I don't like reading German theologians...