Exam for my readers.

In her book Shared Wisdom, Pamela Cooper-White writes:

Perhaps this is as good a definition of sin as any- that by nature we humans must inevitably collapse back into our own limited perception and then mistake it for the eternal.


For those of you following the discussion on spirituality at Sheep Days please discuss how spirituality affects this.

1 comment:

Brett Hendrickson said...

Tinman, thanks for the link.
I like this quote, but I guess I'm a little uncomfortable with the idea that sin is a mistake. I think sin can be corporate, implicit, covert, overt, complicated, and simple, but I don't generally think of it as a mistake. On the other hand, I don't necessarily think of sin as always intentional. I think of it as a condition, a sickness unto death. Cooper-White captures that when she says that this process of collapse is inevitable. Her definition is good, though. It reminds me of God at the end of Job: "Where were you when I created the earth?"