Hospital thoughts

This is part of a larger piece that I am working on. It is a "spiritual biography." Whatever that is... Anyway, when I think part of it might be of interest to a larger audience, I'll put it up here. Feel free to comment. I'd like to know what you think!

My memory tells me the pastor wore a white robe. My wife tells me she wore a pink shirt and slacks. I remember that she was at the head of the bed with my whole family, including in-laws arrayed about my hospital bed, laying their hands on me. My memory is correct about that. They tell me that despite the tube down my throat, I mouthed the words to the service. That doesn’t surprise me; I had done this service before, so I knew it well. What I remember most clearly is the anointing. She had her hands on me, and then she took a balm of some sort and made the sign of the cross on my forehead. I remember feeling a wonderful warmth come over my body and a sensation of light going through me, piercing my chest and going skyward. I could actually feel the light! As it flowed through me and out my chest, it didn’t cause pain, it made me feel better. It was a feeling I had not felt before but somehow, I knew exactly what it was. I hesitate to name it for fear of minimizing it, somehow limiting it. It is indescribable, impossible to understand, but I think most call it the Holy Spirit.


Alex said...

Peace to you.

Joy said...

I think we all felt the Holy Spirit there! I know I did.