When a man's an empty kettle...

he should be on his mettle.
And yet I'm torn apart.

Something odd I found looking for a good image for this blog. ( I really don't like pics of myself on the 'net. Remember, just because you've been diagnosed as paranoid doesn't mean "They" really aren't out to get you!!!!!!)


Yes Virginia, there is a Tinman gene! Funny, I always thought I was the only one clever enough to see the link between the L. Frank Baum character and a bad heart! (Yes. Paranoid and Delusions of Grandeur!)

I imagine that most of you who are reading this already know me and so why this title is interesting. Maybe some day I'll explain it to the HUGE audience that will eventually read this!!!
But for now, it is a way for me to pass the time and blow of steam in the coming days before I find out if I need yet another "procedure" (I love that word. It's &*#$% surgery dammit!) But today, I'll build the blog...


Joy said...

ILY This blogging thing could be fun. INstead of worrying about Friday why don't you use some of your Pastoral Care stuff you have learned! ha, I know thats like a nurse being a good patient. We will get through this together..all of us. See ya soon

Alex said...

Hi "Tinman" -- I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. You are in my thoughts and prayers -- I hope your appointment goes well. Peace!