"Being sick sucks..."

My lovely wife Mo sent me a link the other day. Professional Patient wrote:

I had an “aha!” moment recently. I realized that I have been desperately waiting for someone to recognize how brave I am, and let me know they are proud of me for being so brave. Being sick sucks… why can't someone realize how brave you MUST be to deal with it day after day?

I've given that recognition to myself with the following list of affirmations. I'm sharing it with you in case you, too, are looking for someone somewhere to pat you on the back for being a brave girl or boy!

Her affirmations are wonderful.

I am lucky to have a ton of people around who are very affirming and loving. When I sent out an email letting people know about the possibility of surgery. I got a lot of love back. But I still need affirmation. Her list was very helpful.

I found out last night that I won't be having surgery. This prompted me to add one to her list:
You are brave when you are disappointed that you are not having surgery!

I am a bit disappointed. But, I'm also a bit thankful. We can get on with our lives now with no interruption.

I have frequently said that serious illness is just as hard and in some ways harder on the family than it is on the patient. After all, I get narcotics! :) I think my family and friends deserve a list of affirmations too.
  1. You are brave when you spend more time in doctors offices for somebody else's checkup than you do for your own.
  2. You are brave when you know where the waiting room in every hospital in town is.
  3. You are brave when you know your husband 's medical history as well as your own.
  4. You are brave when you worry about outliving your child.
  5. You are brave when you take a midnight road trip to visit a friend in an ICU 300 miles away.
  6. You are brave when your little brother asks you to check his IV site.
  7. You are brave when you ask, "Did you take your medicine?"
  8. You are brave when you ask, " How's the pain today?"
  9. You are brave when you say, "Here, let me carry that."
I have a lot of very, very brave people in my life, who make it easier for me to add to Professional Patient's list. I can never say thank you enough. If anybody reads this, maybe they can add some more to my list to help me say thank you...


Joy said...

You made me cry again!! I remember times you have been brave for me. You gave me advice about how to be a good patient when I went into early labor with little drummer boy. So how about thank you for being brave for others who have to be the patient for a change!! You are a great support for me too. ILY

Joy said...

How about....
You are brave when you decide to go to seminary and change careers to use your knowledge of being a "Professional Patient" to help others. Know thats brave!!

Brett Hendrickson said...

Hey, I'm sorry you didn't get the word from your doctor you were wanting about the surgery. Here's one: You are brave when you graciously recognize and accept the love others have for you.