But I'm not. We may take a break from housework, walk down to the beach to watch. Running errands yesterday I saw the A/C... (sorry, old habit, A/C is the industry abbreviation for aircraft. I spent too many years in aviation law!)
Anyway, on the way to Costco, I saw the plane I've most wanted to see fly right over us.

It's an amazing aircraft. Built by Boeing and Lockheed-Martin.
Yes, I understand that it was designed to shoot down other airplanes and kill the people inside, which then makes it easier for Bombers and support a/c to get to their targets, thus killing more people. I realize that and it bothers me. A little.
But it is so cool! When it went over, I could clearly see the thrust vectoring engines. What was really amazing, was how quiet it was. He was at about 2,ooo feet, flew right over us and I could barely hear it. Earlier in the day, at a similar altitude, (and probably a bit higher) an F-18 Super Hornet almost broke the windows of our condo. Any lower, he would've set off car alarms.
Anyway, I've got chores to start on. We'll see about going to the beach today. I'll let you know how I do with my contradictions. I wrote a piece in college called "Playing Soldier" that explains it a bit. If I can find it, maybe I'll post it. In the meantime, I'm gonna open the windows so I can hear the jets better. I'll leave you with this.
- Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Glad I am not the only one to contradict myself. I just guiltily support materialism/capitalism (see my 'Target' post) -- but not the whole military industrial complex thingamajig. ;)
I can just see you and little drummer boy wandering around looking at all the a/c's. I'm with you, even if I don't like why they were built...they are still cool!!
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