Cop writes a ticket for giant sausage
Tribune photo by Kevin Pang, August 9, 2007
A Chicago police officer tickets the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile in the 400 block of North Michigan Avenue.
By Kevin Pang | Tribune staff reporter
In a rare occurrence of an encased meat vehicle committing a traffic violation, Chicago police ticketed the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile for illegal parking on the Magnificent Mile.
The incident began at 10:57 a.m. in the 400 block of North Michigan Avenue. At least two members of the Wienermobile entourage left the vehicle in the three-lane street with its emergency blinkers on. The vehicle is registered to Kraft Foods under the Wisconsin license plate "WEENR."
A police officer approached the Chevrolet vehicle with the 27-foot fiberglass sausage and removable bun roof. The officer radioed for a tow truck.
Matt Smith of the city's Streets and Sanitation department said the city could handle the job.
"We have access to tow trucks that could have handled a Polish sausage, not just a hot dog," he said.
The officer wrote the ticket and affixed it with considerable relish to its foot-long side mirror. Ed Walsh, a spokesman for the city Department of Revenue, said parking in a "Parking/Standing Prohibited Anytime" zone is a $50 violation.
About 15 minutes later, as curious passersby snapped pictures with their camera phones, the driver and passenger of the vehicle returned before tow trucks could arrive.
The entourage received a verbal scolding from the officer.
"You can't just park here!" the officer barked.
One passenger, who declined to be identified, said they were visiting a Wienermobile alumnus who worked nearby but was unaware that one could not park a giant sausage in the middle of the city's busiest thoroughfare.
Kraft Foods did not return a call for comment. The hot dog was last seen driving north on Michigan.
Copyright © 2007, Chicago Tribune
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