Happy Monday.

Yuck. Ya'll know how much I love Mondays. This one is even worse than ususal. I've been feeling rotten all weekend. (For my regular worriers, yes I did call the Dr. He told me to get some rest, drink lots of water etc. and call him later this week if I'm still not well. It's probably the beta-blockers again. We'll get 'em adjusted. Not a big deal.)
So, while I was at church yesterday, (before we left, earlier than usual, because I was ill) I got drafted into teaching a class on the Lectionary today. (Joel 2:23-32, Psalm 65, 2 Timothy 4:6-18, Luke 18:9-14) The director of Christian Ed has also been having some illness and has a Dr. appointment. So, she gave me her outline.

So, here I am this morning sitting here in the church library with my OT and NT texts trying to remember what some professors said about Joel and Timothy those many weeks ago. And yes, I'm complaining about it. So, the church secretary comes in to make coffee and I start to chat with her, then Pastor C. who does the Pastoral Care, primarily with the Homeless, comes in. He says "One of our guys is outside, he's not eaten all weekend, all I had in my briefcase was some candy." We rummaged around and as usual around here, a loaves and fishes miracle occurred. We found some leftovers from Sunday coffee hour. The person who usually cleans up the kitchen didn't. We found some cinnamon rolls and some bread for our guy and gave him some breakfast.

I guess I got my gospel lesson this morning. Now, to prepare one for my noon class...

Post Script:
OK I've finished reading the lectionary passages. The Gospel for the day? Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Here's the punch line: (parenthetical comments are mine)
I tell you, this man (the hated and reviled tax collector) went down to his home justified rather than the other; (the pharisee/church elder) for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.
Luke 18: 14.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I hope the class went well. Listen to your Dr. and especially ME and get some rest!!
love ya