I just went to talk to the Dean of Students. I've been sending both deans email trying to keep them updated on the whole potential surgery thing. Now that I'm not having it done, I went to talk with DoS. I wanted to thank her personally. She wanted to talk about how she could make things easier for me. The issue of parking came up. Parking at school could be politely described as a nightmare. Frequently last semester I had to walk over half a mile just to get to the building. It's a nice walk. But it is much less so dragging a book bag. It becomes downright dangerous doing it in the winter. So, DoS suggested I use the Handicapped parking space. Lovely wife Mo has mentioned the same thing. Naturally, I totally disagree with both of them.
I'm not really sure why I am so resistant to the idea. In private discussions, I frequently bemoan the fact that I don't look like I have a serious health problem. It bothers me when Lovely Wife carries heavy stuff and I walk behind her empty handed. It really isn't a macho thing. I guess what bothers me is that when you look at us, it looks like I'm just being a jerk! People might question my upbringing. Believe me, I have an older sister who made it perfectly clear that I was to open doors for her. My father is also rather "Old School" in that way. My Mother is from the Carolinas; She's a true Southern Lady! So, believe me, I was "Raised Right!" I've always been proud of being a gentleman. (Lovely Wife would tell you that I've gotten out of the habit and no longer open car doors for her. I intend to remedy that.)
So, if I appeared to be as "disabled" or "handicapped" as I am, people might understand why LWM carries stuff. They also might understand me better in general.
So, back to the parking thing. It makes a bit of sense for me to get the permit. But I'm a bit conflicted. I'm not sure if I qualify. I guess I'll let the Dr. determine that. I certainly don't need it every day. It is only really a problem during the winter. It also just bothers me to think about parking in one of those spots and getting out and simply walking away from the car. It is all just so frustrating; It's just another thing to be angry about...
Hey Tinman,
I agree; it does suck. A good friend of mine has a handicapped parking pass. She also does not "seem" disabled. She ONLY uses the pass when weather or extreme distance require her to. 90% of the time she parks in a regular spot; the other 10% of the time she puts up her hanging tag on the rearview mirror. Maybe consider the tag for the 10% of the time when you really need it... Sorry if this is a "duh" post...
I think it is all a matter of qualifying. If you qualify and you have the permit to prove it, who cares what people think. If LWM puts up with you being a "jerk" :) then who cares what people think!! Those of us that love you and know whats going on will support whatever decision you make. You know me, its all about what's easiest for me. :) You just need that attitude. ILY
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